“Congratulations VDr. You are an inspiration for the Clinicians in the country!
We Thank God for the service.”
"I am really enjoying the VDrs network. The doctors are quick to respond to the referrals and their advise are great, very helpful and educative. The VDrs are super fantastic." Serah Chibale, Lusangazi district
“The ability to send cases and get consultation from specialists outside Zambia is what I love most about The Virtual Doctors and this has made diagnosis and research insightful and easy.”
Everlyn Kafulah, Serenje district.
Service Users reaction to our Covid-19 Response:
“Virtual doctors as an organisation is a true and dedicated partner in fight against the disease burden in our communities. It feels so great to be part of this organization and thank u for making our work much lighter as clinicians.”
Service user Lawrence, Chibombo health facility
“The WASH commodities that were distributed to us have really helped the facility. We are really grateful for all the things you gave us to help fight the coronavirus. This shows us that you really care about us”
Service User Pecidah (left), Nampundwe health facility.
Kennedy (Ngwerere RHC)
"This organisation has changed the way I work, because now I can invite questions from any specialist who trusts me to treat patients the same way they would treat them."
Jonathan, Chongwe Hospital
“The Virtual Doctors ask everything and their responses are packed with a lot of information.
Mercy, Makeni RHC (below)
“The Virtual Doctors has changed the way I work. I can treat patients here in the clinic saving them time, transport costs and the stress of being away from their family.”
Eleazar, Kanakantapa RHC
"My name is Eleazar and I am the Clinical Officer at Kanakantapa Rural Health Centre, in the eastern half of Lusaka Province. Before I was posted to Kanakantapa, I worked as a circumcision practitioner at an NGO in Lusaka.
I live within the clinic compound, just a minute’s walk from the office. My working day begins at 8am with a ward round in the in-patient, and sometimes also the postnatal, wards. When I am done on the wards I head over to the screening room to see my outpatients.
Our eight members of staff look after about 14,000 people and on average I see between 50 and 80 patients a day. The clinic is open 24 hours a day and all our patients come on a drop-in basis. I am on duty at least six days a week and often, if need be, the whole week. Patient numbers typically increase during the rainy season because of a rise in malaria and respiratory tract infections.
Kanakantapa is an integrated outpatient and anti-retroviral clinic, which means all patients are seen, without any distinction, by the same team of healthcare providers. Typically my day involves screening, requesting the necessary lab investigations, providing the appropriate treatment and referring my patients if necessary to the next level of care – usually a district hospital.
With only a short break at lunch, the day progresses into the afternoon with more of the same duties. I then hand over the clinical activities to the night nurse.
However, I am on call through the night for any complications, or cases requiring referrals to the next level of care. And when morning comes, the cycle begins again..."
Watch Huw interviewing Eleazar